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 Awareness On Snakes

Hey Guys,

Today we will see about Awareness on Snakes and many things on them. Before that, be sure to subscribe via the Popup or in the Gadgets and follow and Comment and also Share this Blog.

Before we Go into the Post, be sure to visit my Post: 5 Projects to Create in Python.


  • What are Snakes?
  • Facts About Snakes
  • Are they Harmful?
  • What to do when we meet a Snake
  • Recap
So, Guys We have seen the Contents, let us no go into the Topic.

What are Snakes?

Snakes are Reptiles that range from a inch to a Size of a Car in Length. These Creatures are Fascinating when we Study about them. Snakes are Slimy and Slithery Reptiles that have a Forked tongue which is also used as their Nose. There are Two Types of Snakes in the World and they are: 1)Venomous and 2)Non-Venomous.

The Number of Venomous Snakes in the World are lesser than the Non-Venomous ones and that's the case with every other animals. The Venom of the Snakes are used as the Cure for a Snake Bite. It's Interesting Right?

Interesting Facts about Snakes:
  • Snakes are one of a Animal whose Venom is used for a Snake Bite. Cool Right.
  • Snakes are Cold-Blooded Animals Which can only see in Thermal Vison.
  • Snakes have a Very Flexible Spinal Cord which helps them to Move, climb easily.
  • Snakes have two Methods of Eating Primarily depending on their Types. If they are Venomous they Inject the Venom into the Prey and Swallow them Whole. In the Case if they are Non-Venomous they Construct the Prey meaning they Crush the Prey resulting in Dying of the Prey and the Snake swallowing it Whole.
  • Snakes shed their Skin like we change our clothes. They form their New Skin then the Old skin is Sheded by Rubbing it Against Some Object.
  • A Snake doesn't have a Nose so they use Their Powerful Tongue to Sense the Object in Front of them.
  • A Snake uses it's Tongue to it's full Potential and almost uses it to Every Purposes.

  • Did you Know that Snakes are not Living in our Habitat, We live on theirs. Snakes are one of those animals which has been on Earth for Around Million Years and that's Quite a long time, Isn't it Friends?
  • So, That's all on Slithery Facts. Now onto the Next Topic.

    Are Snakes Harmful?
    • Snakes can seem to be Harmful but are Peace and Calmful Animals which don't tend to harm us. They just Harm us to Protect themselves.
    • Snakes Come into our Habitat just because we have a tiny little friend called the rat living in our House.
    • Snakes are not Living in our Habitat, We live on theirs as i told earlier. So, don't bother telling 'Why Do these Snakes come on our House?'🤣🤣🤣.
    • Snakes Venom are depending on the Snake Species are Harmful, but there are some Precautions which will be listed as you read further.
    • Snakes when they see us just ignore but if we try to do something silly with them, that's when terrible things fall into action.
    So that's all about The Slithery things, Now we will move to the Next Topic.

    What to do when we see a Snake?
    • When you see a Snake just stay calm so that it won't harm you and it just ignores you and does it's business.
    • Call a Snake Specialist who you know can handle Snakes and not either kill them or handle them in a way they should not be. Don't try to handle snakes by yourself as it might be dangerous and try calling a Specialist.
    • If you are Bitten by a Snake, just calm yourself and ask for help. Tie the Area around the Bite with some clothes to see that the Venom doesn't spread around too much quick.
    • Snakes Venom can be Dangerous as if lead freely can damage your Nervous System, Respiratory system depending on the type of Snake and it's Venom.
    • Always use a Bucket or a Tub to catch a Snake because using a Cloth bag may result in easy escaping of the Snake.
    • Snake Specialists take the Snakes and Take their Venom and leave it free, so don't ask them to leave it here in the place where you got bitten.
    • The Specialists who handle Snakes leave them in a place favorable to them. If you see a snake, do not take the snake and leave it in an Unknown Place as it might lead to the Death of the Snake in an Unknow Habitat which is not Favorable for the Snake.
    • See that you call a Snake Specialist First if you see a Snake.
    That's it guys and let's recap the Topic we have learnt.

    • What are Snakes?
    • Facts About Snakes
    • Are they Harmful?
    • What to do when we meet a Snake
    • Recap

    Hope you Guys loved the Awareness of Snakes and will meet you with some more Interesting Posts.

    Meet you on an Interesting Post Again, Until then Bye!

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