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So this Story is Copyrighted by Me and Let's Read the Story.

I haven't been writing a story and publishing it here for a while so i decided to just publish this one.

So Enjoy Reading My Story.


                   THE GREAT WAR

 It all started in the year 2050 when all the Countries of the World have been Divided as it was a Long Years Ago. The Countries of the World had a Great War which resulted in these divisions. It was like going into the Past. People were usual but had many Wars in the Future unlike the past. These wars were very Fierce and Brutal. They had many people Killed. This was the result of the use of Technology in that Time. There were many Constant wars which the Common People didn’t like.  The Wars of the Cilerian also took place at the time. This war might be one of those wars which lasted for a Long time and had a Huge impact on the Two Kingdoms. Let me Describe them.

        The Cilerian war was between two kinds of people: The Cilcians and The Silerians. These two kingdoms were in fact very powerful and had many wars with others.The Silerians did not have an organised army but was powerful in Number, while the Cilcians were quite Opposite where they had an Organised Army but had an less Number of Army People. These both Kingdoms originated from one Ancestor Country: India. They were Seperated because of a War. The Cilerian War took place in the year 2050. 

        Let me Now explain the war. The War took place at a hot-desert in India. At the time, India was mostly Deserts because of wars and exploitations, India had drastically changed. The War started with a huge Sand-storm in the centre of the Country, or I would perhaps say Kingdom. The war was declared two days ago by the Silerians and the Cilicians were getting ready for the Battle. “Get the Armouries and the Swords Ready, We need to Fight.” ordered the King. The Silerians were Approaching the Cilcians and there came a Screeching Sound that was like a Car trying to Move while applying Brakes. That Sound was the Signature sound of the Silerians. As I Told you that they are Crazy Armies, so they would shout like that. Once, there was a saying that this shouting had won them a Kingdom. So, let’s get into the story.

        The Cilcians had now prepared for the war and were now waiting for the Silerians to Approach. The Cilcians wanted every people of their Kingdom to be safe so they sent them to the Neighbouring Kingdom which is the Philia Kingdom ruled by the Nephew of the Cilcians King. There came an Arrow which was shot in the Head of the Army and all the Cilcians Panicked and were forced to attack back. The Cilcians had an Powerful Weapon called the Efirery-1000 which terrorized the Silerians, but when it came to the Silerians they too had an weapon which the whole world was afraid of. The Silerians Thought the Weapon Elbom - 500 was the most powerful weapon and could Defeat Any Kingdom. But their overconfidence got them losing too many wars over the period which resulted in them saying that they should win this time Around. The Silerians Shot Another time Around with their mighty tank - ‘The Silerians Might’. The Cilcians had been using their weakest Weapons to not waste their Powerful ones. Now, they saw this as a threat and soon the Commander ordered to Take all the Weapons out to defeat them. The Commander of the Silerians ordered their Army to Fire with whatever they had and soon, the Cilcians had a Great Full Impact. The Cilcians were exhausted and wanted the war to be ended so, they just bought their most Powerful Weapon - ‘The Fighter Lion’ which can kill upto a 100 of people in one shot. They also loaded some bombs to defeat them.

        3…2…1…The Bomb was Released with a Great Sound that can be heard within a hundred miles away. People from the Philia Kingdom saw this and had thought they lost the War and were being Prepared for War. Dust, Smoke and Soots covered the Place and almost everyone had died and the ones who were hurt too had noone to help them. They were Slowly Dying. One of them Arose who had Survived. He was not too hurt and was searching for any people who Survived. His Name was Hilton - A Great Hero in the Language of the Cilcians. He had no choice but to Go to Philia to save Himself when he saw a man from Silerian Murmur. That Man Was Fremingson who was the Prince of Silerian. Hilton tried to Kill him so he could bring victory to Cilcia but noticed that he was the only Survivor and asked him ‘would you like to Come to Philia?’. He answered by asking, ``Would your People accept me?’ and Hilton replied saying ‘yes’. Hilton Saw that Fremingson was hugely Hurt and was carried by Hilton to the Philia. Philia is 10 Miles away and Hilton had to walk carrying him.

      Earlier in Philia, the People of Cilcia were sad thinking their Kingdom had Died but when Hilton entered, the People of Cilcia started to Celebrate and Asked who the other guy was?. Hilton told them this is Fremingson from the other Kingdom and he needs to be accepted and cured Immediately. After a day or two, Fremingson was cured and there was a huge Celebration for the Victory and Fremingson too joined them and now was part of them.

This was the Great story of a war that took place in the Year 2050.


Hope you Enjoyed My Story

Meet you on the Next Post, Until then Bye!

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