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There was a dream by a man for seeing out of the observable universe that is now possible . 


         MAY 16 ,  2150


A team of scientists just discovered a wormhole has just appeared near the orbit of Mars. The scientists plan to launch a man controlled spacecraft carrying 7  astronauts from mars into the wormhole . The astronauts' name are:

jake Carolina 

jason chris 

jack foster 

james jeff

jeff bezos 

reena jackson

jasmina  rock 

these selected personal will leave mars after two days of time 


 Counter; 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 lift off. We have a liftoff from mars to the wormhole . 

 jack foster: vesco 1 spacecraft in orbit of mars

Reena Jackson: how do you feel guys ? 

James Jeff: great grandfather Neil Armstrong I am also an astronaut like youuuuuuuuuuuuu!! 


jack foster: the spacecraft is out of control the gravity of the wormhole has pulled it !

   jack foster: control room ! control room


control room staff: sir signal lost from the vesco 1 spacecraft . 

chief staff: them bring it back online 

control room staff: no sir, it is not possible the spacecraft is out of the range of the observable universe  


james jeff : ( cry

Jeff Bezos :( shouting )

jack foster: why are you both shouting and crying 

Jeff Bezos : I forgot to eat my chips. It is a rare flavour which is in my refrigerator . 

James Jeff: in a hurry I forgot to shut down my laptop (continues to cry) it is everything for me 

James Jeff:I don’t like this colourful tunnel 

jack foster: it is a wormhole genius .   

jack foster:i don’t really understand why NASA selected James as an astronaut .

jack foster: never mind, 


 jack foster: we are now out of the wormhole guys . 

jasmina rock : yes ohhh! 

Jason Chris : Where are we ? 

jack foster: no idea, maybe in a different universe ahhhhhhhhhh!

jack foster: we are pulled by a weird planet 

AI: life detected 

James: what 

Jeff Bezos: finally we found alien life 

Jack Foster: But that alien planet is guarded by thousands of guns and one of them aimed at us .What are we going to do ?

Jason Chris : go towards their gun at full speed . As this ship has a secret weapon system and an invisible shield, which can literally with stand a 10 comet impact at a time 

jack foster: but how do you know these things ? 

Jason Chris:i was just worried about high radiation and comet affects. That is the reason i developed it 

Jason Chris : shot them 

all : aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! 

jack foster: left engine failed 

AI : spacecraft out of control!, danger, danger,danger

My friend created this story, not me. I will continue my story soon.

Catch up with you next time with some good and interesting topics...

By the Blog Author.

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