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Do Aliens exist?

 Do Aliens Exist?

In Today's Post, we will be talking if Aliens exist and what is my Opinion About it?

The Vast Universe

The Universe has been around for more than around 13 billion years, that's a long time. Also, the Universe is filled with 1000's of mind-boggling Mysteries that are yet to be solved and still many (even me) are amazed to look at it.

There are many Mysteries such as the one we are talking about, strange sounds recorded from space and more...

Do Aliens Exist? (My Opinion)

According to me, Aliens should exist as we stated that this Universe has been around billions of years. The reason we can't find them is due to the Technology that we have, or they are hiding, or they are extinct. 

There has to be some kind of life-forms in this huge Universe atleast little like a bacterium or something....

There can be another Theory where both life-forms have the same kind of technology, and we are not able to communicate with them and so do they. They can be searching for us and we at the same time are searching for them. This means we are too Aliens. We can't find them because we just can't translate their signals, or we do not have the technology to receive them.

Opinions from others

According to a NASA scientist - "The Universe is a huge Place and if we are alone, it means it's just a waste of space. NASA is still searching for sign of Life" from

According to Science with Sam in - "Aliens do not live long with their advanced Technology while we thrive."

"They have a policy as not to interfere with less advanced species"

"They are already here and are watching Us."


I Hope Aliens are true, and they are not hostile towards us.

Let's just hope they are making a huge surprise for us.

If Aliens are Real, Scientists will soon find out. If not, that's a sad story.

Click the Follow Button if you think Aliens are real and Comment if you think they are not as to why.

Hope you liked todays Post and be sure to Share

By the Blog Author.

Other Opinions Source:

#Science with Sam: Do aliens exist? | New Scientist

#Episode 5 – We Asked a NASA Scientist: Do Aliens Exist? | NASA

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