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 Discord - A great Chatting App

Hey Guys,

Today let us see about one of the most famous chatting app used world-wide. Let us see the contents of todays post as it will be longer.


  • What is Discord?
  • Discord's Uses
  • Discord's Features
  • Setting up of Discord
  • How to join My Community
What is Discord?

Discord is a free chatting, streaming and also a place for gamers to hang out. Discord is used widely for various purposes and is very beneficial. It acts like it is a chatting tool created by combining various apps like WhatsApp, MS Teams, Google Chats and etc. It has a good User Interface 
(UI) which looks good. It has many Uses and Features that we will be looking at later at this post. Discord enables us to do various activities with or without groups easily.

Discord's Uses:

Discord has many uses which enables, people from all over the world to use it.

Discord has the following purposes:
  • It is used by different gamers to stream their game and show it to the world live.
  • Servers can be created to chat privately, Eg: Friends Group or Something...These are for private uses.
  • Communities can be created to chat publicly for different purposes, Eg: Blogs By Michel Community. These are for public (people from all over the world can join) uses.
  • Stream anything to your friends at live.
  • Can be used for Schools, Business, private chats, etc.
Discord's Features:

Discord has many features enabling it easy to use and chat efficiently.

Discord has the Following Features:
  • A Good User Interface (UI) to look and feel good. This UI can be changed in the settings and can have dark or light mode. Discord has two Parts - Discord and Discord Nitro - Payed which has several stickers and other features which comes in Discord. If you pay for discord Nitro, You can get it's features and also boost your server and community. Get Discord Nitro here.
  • A good Chatting Experience with no lagging and no bugs. Very Helpful with no noticeable Errors or Bugs to fix.
  • Bots can be included for Various Purposes and can also be created on your won. Example of some Bots: Bad Word Blocker - Blocks Bad words; Arcane Bot - A smart Bot for Various Purposes, etc.
  • A Server or Community can include channels to have multiple chatting spaces in one server to make it easier and not to create more servers having the same purposes.
  • Roles can be assigned to give each member a power, Eg: Admin, Moderator, etc. which can be named as you like.
There are more Features, but if i go on typing, it would take forever, so just sticking on with the important ones.

How to Set - Up Discord:

  •  First, Go to Discord by going to
  • Then, Click on Download or just go with the Web one.
  • Then, After you download or go inside Discord with the website, login.
  • After you Login, Enter your Name and a separate code is included to unique you. This code is used just to be unique, so a single name can be used by several persons.
  • Voila! You are done, Now ask your friends to join and if they do not know how to, Share this Post and anyway, Proceed by Creating a server or Joining a Server. A Post is Upcoming on this.
How to Join My Server?

My Community - 

The Following are the steps to join my Community (Blogs By Michel Community):
  • After you Login to Discord either by Downloading or on the Website, Just Click here to Join My Community.
  • It will take you to a new tab and then You will meet some requirements or Rules to agree.
  • Agree it and then You can Chat.
Hope you Guys Loved today's Topic and will meet you with some interesting Topic again sometime later,  Until then Bye!

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By the Blog Author. 

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