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Top 5 Programming Languages to Learn | The 5 Best Programming Languages to Learn | Top 5 Popular programming Languages | Helps you Choose the better Language for Coding| Which will you choose? | Comment down in the Comments below | VIEW, READ, SHARE, COMMENT, REVIEW


Hey guys, Welcome to Blogs By Michel, and today we will be seeing the Top 5 programing Languages.

To see my Projects on Python, Click Coding Series on the Menu.

So, Lets dive in right into the Topic.

  1. PYTHON -  Python is a Programming Language created By Guido Van Rossum in the Year 1989. It's the most Popular programming Language in todays' world. Python is so easy that it can be understood just like English. It can even be Understood by reading it by a Non - Programmer. To Learn Python, Check out my Python Coding Series. Python, Nowadays is used in various fields such as Data Science, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence which are few of many. There are a several Frameworks for Python Such as Django, Pyramid, Flask, etc.
  2. Java - Java is a Language developed by James Gosling in the Year 1995 by Sun-Microsystems. Java is the worlds 2nd most Popular language on Object Orientated Programming. Java too has an easy-to-read English alike syntax which enables coders to code easily and fast. Check out my Java Coding Series. Java is used for many purposes, and some of them are for Game development, Big data Development, Distributed Applications, Cloud - Based Applications, IoT Applications, etc.
  3. JavaScript - It is a very highly used Language created on 1996 by Brendan Eich. Note: Java and JavaScript are totally different Languages. JavaScript or JS is a prototype-based object orientated programing Language which is often used with HTML and CSS. JavaScript is used with HTML and CSS to make the webpage look professional and Cool. JavaScript is used for various purposes and they are widely used because of their Syntax and easy to learn Code.
  4. C/C++ - C/C++ is a very well known language and is used by various Tech Giants like Google, Oracle, Microsoft, Adobe, etc. Learning C/C++ will help learning other languages easier. C , Unlike the others listed above, is a Procedural Programming Language. It is mostly is used in developing Operating System (OS), Kernel Developments and Others. C++ is a Object-orientated programming language which is primarily developed as an extension of C and is mostly used in Game Developments, Graphical User Interface (GUI) & Desktop Applications and competitive programming with several other fields.
  5. Golang - Golang or Go is an Language developed by Google, a Tech Giant which is an efficient to read, write and also a Secure language for System - Level Programming. Golang is used mainly in developing Applications such as Netflix, Twitch and Uber. Golang is not as popular as the 4 languages listed above, but is quite popular inside Silicon Valley where most of the Company's Head-Quarters Rest.

So, Hey Guys, Now after you have seen the 5 most popular Programming Language, Stay tuned in For the Top 10 Programming Language and 


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Meet you on the Next post, Until then Bye!

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