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The Planet


                      The Planet

Chapter 1: My dream:

It was about 6am and we were heading towards the planet Mars. It was sweltering inside the spacecraft, and we had to prepare ourselves to land. We had less than an hour, which might seem a lot of time to you, but in fact was a less time to land a huge rocket like this.

The space—the first time I had seen, it was marvellous, and I have never seen such a prospect like this before. This Mission was very vital as we are heading to mars to research about it.

The Rocket ‘Airflyer-2000’ was self-propelled, and the team gave us instructions from earth where they had an essential manuscript.

We were about to dock, and the spaceship had around 7 crew to land it. The ‘Airflyer-2000’ was indeed a modest aircraft but needed to be docked correctly.

There we landed, and I felt someone touch my back when my mother woke me up and I had a scary disposition at the time.

When I come to think of it, it was my aspire to become an astronaut and it was real what happened in my dream. So, my team and I were headed to Mars at the present. My friends (Crew members) were John Fredman, Peter Douglas, Anderson Heflin, Bill harry, Harry Hills, Vin Hapmpleton, and myself Mick Paul (Mick Cruz Paul) all were ready for take-off.

To Be Continued...

It was written by me and not by anyone else.


 Catch up with you next time on some good and interesting topics

By the Blog Author

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